Tuesday, June 11, 2013

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

The quote "May the odds be ever in your favor" is what I think about every time I open up Flash. I know that this sounds crazy but it's true. You never know how Flash is going to be with you from day to day, you just have to hope that it is a good day and that Flash will be your friend. Let's just say I must have the odds in my favor because Flash has been pretty good to me lately. I have learned how to slow things down, with Flash, not my life.

I have realized that as long as you take your time with what you are doing and take a few minutes and walk away from the computers than everything will work out in your favor....well most of the time. This program does help you learn how to pull out your hair and also learn how to take a few deep breathes, I am not sure if that is what it is supposed to do but it's helping me learn. That's a start right?

With that I will leave you to mass around with Flash, and as always "may the odds be ever in your favor".


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