Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stress of the Week

Hello everyone,

This past couple of weeks I have learned about different things is Photoshop, learned what would be the best way for me to manage my time, and I have learned a few things when it comes to photography. With all of these things I am constantly thinking about the next things that have to be done. From the photos, to amount of time it will take for me to create something in Photoshop, to managing my time as best as I can.

With how this month has gone I feel like I have been able to get a lot of things done that I didn't think was possible. Now if only my life will work out the same why, between work, school, and trying to figure out a wedding, I feel like school is the only thing I can get right at the moment. However I am happy that I was enduring this class this month, because it showed me that I can make things happen if I just buckle down.

Thank you all for listening, now it is time for me to get back to work.


Thursday, February 20, 2014


This week we had two projects to be finished and printed. I have been doing print work for awhile but haven't really had a chance to really look at print settings. I always look at what you would normally look at, like page size, printer choices and a few other things but what else should we be looking at before we print our images? Well from this week I have learned that you can tell the printer to print on how we think things look from the screen, matching our screen colors, and so on. Before we print we should make sure that all of our colors and what they should be. You can always go to your channels before deciding to print and make sure that your blacks and true blacks and do a few changes to the rest of the channels as well.

However what are a few other things that you can look at? What should you be paying attention for when going to print? Maybe you can help me in looking at what should or can be done before printing to make sure that you get the best looking image.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Time Management

This week I have been thinking a lot about time management, how I can use my time to make sure that all my work is being completed before other things. This was hard for me to try to think about, mainly because my time is used up between work and school. I started with thinking about time before and after work, this makes it hard because before work is normally between 7am and 9am. This would be a good amount of time to complete a few of my projects and assignments before work, however I have a hard time getting myself out of bed when I have just got home the night before at 1am or later. Lucky for me I get one day off a week from both work and school. This day I spend about 5 hours doing nothing but school work. I send everyone away and turn off my phone and just focus, however this is my only day off, I get so tired of school work and work work, that sometimes I wonder if I should just call it quits. I need help trying to give equal amounts to school, work, homework, and me time, but how when I hardly have time to get enough sleep? Can anyone help me?


Thursday, February 6, 2014


Hello everyone,

It is great to be back, though I have been in class I have been seriously lacking in the blogging portion of my life. Here goes nothing, these last few weeks have been crazy for me, between working all the time to trying to get back into the swing of school life. I am slowly getting back into it. Right now I am in class for Photoshop and though I know a lot of stuff with this program I don’t know everything. Today we are going over all the ways to select things in an image, I know of the basics when it comes to this and I know, like everyone else, I have my favorite way to select things in a photograph. My favor, and for me the easiest way is the pen tool. I used to hate this tool, but after being forced to  use it all last month it has made it a lot easier and now becoming my favorite tool to use. 

Another thing that I am slowly learning to be able to fully use in Photoshop is curves. I was always scared to try to open that panel, however after class on Tuesday I saw that it isn’t as bad as I have always thought. I need to get back to working on the few picture that I have, so have a good day.



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Last Week

As this class is coming to an end, I think back about what I have learned. First doing a creative portfolio, although it is fun, you tend to actually put blood, sweat, and tears into the project. I loved creating it, putting my ideas together, however I am glad it is over. We as designers will never feel like our work for ourselves is good enough. Or at least that is how I feel. I  feel like it is harder to come up with a great idea for myself, because I have so many of them. Next thing I learned was that you need to cut distractions from your work life, otherwise you will never get anything done. Lastly, I learned that when it looks like a lot of work, I need to just brake it down into pieces and then it doesn't seem so bad. 

This class definitely put me to the test, with two new projects to get complete, two resumes, three portfolios, and online work as well. Needless to say I  worked my butt off, and I am proud to say that I got most, if not all, of it done. I came up with ideas that I believe are amazing, however putting them together took more time than I thought. I learned to work with power tools, which my fiancé thinks is very dangerous. Lucky for me he was right there making sure I didn't cut a finger off, or screw my hand to the board.

Well I need to get back to work, so until next time.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Creative Portfolio

Hello Everybody!

This week has showed me to buckle down and really get going. Last night I have managed to finish my created portfolio, and let me tell you I love it!! Though I was cussing at my computer most of the day I have manage to get the printer to work for me and make the files that I transfer to my fiancé's computer work. It only took the whole day but hey it looks good. However I did manage to cut up a few fingers but that's the fun right?

Now I still have a few things that need to be finished and I will be working my butt off to make sure that I have everything finished for people to view on Thursday, however I have to get to work now.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This week has been different, I guess mainly because I had to interview two designers, which can be scary. Then I had one interview where I was the interviewee and it was a design interview. First off, interviewing people isn't as hard as I thought it would be, I like being the one asking the questions. It also allowed me to learn a few things from designers. Like I learned about portfolios, not what I thought I was going to learn but what they thought about them, and what should be in them. With interviewing them I learned that people don't always get to their dream job right off the bat but they work towards it. It is amazing what these guys do in their every day lives and like everyone else they had to go out there and meet people to get where they are now. However the scary part in this was actually emailing them to ask if it they would mind me interviewing them, and waiting for them to answer. While in the back of your mind your thinking, did I explain who I am good? What the interview is for? How I even got there information? It is scary but lucky for me the designers were really nice and really helpful.

Now for the worse part of the week, being the interviewee. I have only been on one interview before and that is it. I wasn't sure what to say or do even. So I talked about my work, what I love I do, and the passion for what I do. Lucky for me, it seemed to come across to the interviewer, that I was passionate design. I guess I will just have to wait and here how I did later. Anyways I have to get back to work.
